21 November 2011

In recent months, the SWT sheep have been carrying out the important task of aftermath grazing some of the meadows - Fox Fritillary, Martin's and Mickfield. The term 'aftermath' refers to the grass growth that takes place after a meadow has been cut for hay. The amount of aftermath varies from year to year - this year it was quite strong as July and August were damp. The sheep also do a great job trimming up the fence lines by eating off any encroaching woody growth.

The sheep need to be checked regularly to make sure they are all OK and it is an aspect of my job I really enjoy. It means that I call in at the meadows very regularly and at different times of day.

After the first hard frost this autumn, I checked the sheep just as the sun was coming over the hedge. As the sheep moved out into the sun, the dew on their fleeces turned to steam, making the sheep resemble hot spring geysers!

At the end of another day I called in at Martin's Meadows just as the sun was beginning to set. I was fortunate enough to see a barn owl hunting in the dusk and the sheep with their eyes resembling a string of fairy lights. Hopefully, their eyes are visible in the picture above. If not try clicking on the picture.

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